NOVA Rugby End-Of-Season Banquet
Saturday May 11th, 2024 Hyatt Regency Crystal City
Join us for a fun evening with dinner, dancing, and silent auction in celebrating our players and alumni!
3-course plated dinner
Hall of Fame Awards for Alumni
2023-24 Season Awards for Players
Silent Auction and Giveaways
Buy Tickets here.

Active Player/Alumni Ticket - $100
Tickets for:
Players who are CIPP'd and have paid dues.
Alumni participating in old boy dues.
Couples Ticket - $225
Tickets for:
Any couple

Email vicepresident@novarugby.com for any inquiries regarding table packages or group discounts.

General Ticket - $150
Tickets for all
Hotel Information
Hyatt Regency Crystal City
2799 Richmond Hwy
Arlington, VA 22202
15% discount off room block available here
Parking Information
Discount valet parking rate of $20 (off from the usual $45)
Silent Auction
Interested in donating items for our silent auction or any have questions, please email: vicepresident@novarugby.com